The Lands of the Zara Sea are home to many unique creatures, things not even spoken of in the notorious Gygaxomicon. Here you can meet some of these creatures, as well as the deities of the peoples of the Zara Sea, because if gods don’t qualify as “things that go bump in the night”, I don’t know what does.
If you’d like to meet some of these creatures in their unnatural habitat, check out the series of adventures set in the Land of the Zara Sea.
The Guta
The Guta are the beast-creatures who appeared out of nowhere after Armasz’ Folly, wreaking havoc on the devastated lands.
A skirmish with a guta reiver and a half-souled / Setvasai
A world without gods is a world without smiting! Not to mention all those clerics who would be out of work. Meet the gods of the humans, demi-humans, and other folk of the Zara Sea.